starting a food business


Key Things to Consider When Starting a Food Business

Congratulations on starting your small food business! Launching a new venture can be exciting and challenging. To ensure a successful launch, here are some key things to check as a small food business owner:

Legal Requirements:

    • Business registration and permits: Ensure your business is registered with the appropriate authorities and that you have obtained all necessary permits to operate legally.
    • Food handling licenses: Obtain the required food handling licenses and certifications to meet health and safety regulations.
    • Insurance: Consider getting liability insurance to protect your business from unforeseen incidents Plan and Budget:
    • Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your mission, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections.
    • Set a budget and allocate funds for initial expenses, such as equipment, supplies, marketing, and staffing.

Menu and Food Testing:

    • Finalize your product offering: Offer a well-curated product offering with a variety of flavour options that align with your target audience’s preferences.
    • Conduct food testing and gather feedback from potential customers to ensure your formulations meet quality standards.

Sourcing Ingredients and Suppliers:

    • Establish reliable sources for high-quality ingredients to maintain consistency in your food and beverage offerings.
    • Build relationships with local suppliers to ensure timely and consistent deliveries.

Location and Infrastructure:

    • Choose a strategic location that is accessible to your target market and complies with zoning regulations.
    • Set up your ghost kitchen/kitchen to optimize the space for smooth operations. Also, consider what are your storage options before shipping to retail or your customer directly.


    • Hire and train competent staff members passionate about food and customer service.
    • Develop an organizational structure and establish clear roles and responsibilities. This may mean formal job descriptions and policies and procedures for your production.

Branding and Marketing:

    • Create a strong brand identity, including a memorable logo, colour scheme, and tagline.
    • Develop a marketing plan to promote your business through social media, local advertising, and collaborations.

Pricing Strategy:

    • Set competitive and profitable prices for your products, considering ingredient costs, overheads, and your target market’s willingness to pay. Don’t forget to work into the retail price, retail and distributor margins, and shipping costs.

Point of Sale (POS) System and Payment Options:

    • Implement a user-friendly POS system to streamline order-taking and payment processing.
    • Offer various payment options, including cash, credit cards, and mobile payment methods.

Health and Safety Measures:

    • Follow all health and safety guidelines to maintain a clean and safe environment for your customers and staff.
    • Train your staff in proper food handling and hygiene practices.

Soft Opening and Customer Feedback:

    • Consider a soft opening before the official launch to work out any operational issues.
    • Encourage customer feedback and reviews to improve your offerings and customer experience.

Contingency Plan:

    • Develop a contingency plan to address unexpected challenges, such as supply chain disruptions or changes in regulations.

Remember, the success of your food business also depends on adaptability and continuous improvement. Stay open to learning from your experiences and customer feedback to make necessary adjustments as you grow. Good luck with your food business!


Food Biz Mentoring Think Tank’s 12-week Start-Up Strong Program will give you ideas and insights on how best to navigate retail opportunities that best fit your brand.